#1 New York City Sexual Abuse Lawyer (NYC)

The DiPietro Law Firm: Your Sexual Abuse Lawyer

Sexual abuse is a serious crime that deserves the highest degree of punishment for both the abuser and any person or organization that allowed it to happen.

It can take sexual assault victims years to recover from what happened, and too often the legal system fails to hold perpetrators accountable for their heinous crimes.

Looking for the best New York City sexual abuse lawyer?

NYC Sexual Abuse Lawyer, Anthony T. DiPietro, and the team at The DiPietro Law Firm have represented hundreds of sexual abuse victims in New York City and across the United States – helping them take legal action and win compensation.

We pride ourselves on our successful track record and consistency in winning significant settlements for our clients.

New York City Sexual Abuse Lawyer (NYC); NYC Sexual Abuse Lawyer; New York Sexual Abuse Lawyer; New York City Sexual Abuse Attorney (NYC); NYC Sexual Abuse Attorney; New York Sexual Abuse Attorney; Sexual Abuse Law Firm

Our comprehensive legal representation and trauma-informed approach has earned the trust of several sexual abuse victims who have come forward to file suit.

If you need a sexual abuse lawyer who will advocate for your rights and fight hard for the compensation you are owed, call The DiPietro Law Firm for a free consultation.

All consultations and inquiries submitted to our law office are guaranteed confidentiality.

We are sensitive to the needs of survivors and we understand what you’re going through.

Call us today for more information.

Table of Contents

About The DiPietro Law Firm

The DiPietro Law Firm was founded in 2003 by Anthony T. DiPietro.

We litigate cases involving sexual abuse, sexual assault, and sexual misconduct, as well as birth injury and medical malpractice.

Our founder, Anthony T. DiPietro, has lead the civil lawsuit against Columbia University and its affiliates for enabling the years of sexual abuse committed by Robert Hadden.

In two separate agreements, the DiPietro Law Firm secured over $236 million in compensation for more than 200 women.

The DiPietro Law Firm has helped pass four separate laws in New York that provide victims and survivors with a path to justice – including the Adult Survivors Act and the Gender Motivated Violence Act.

Currently, The DiPietro Law Firm is accepting clients for a new round of lawsuits against Robert Hadden and Columbia University.

We are also working with Utah-based firm Gross & Rooney on the David Broadbent Sexual Abuse Case.

Anthony T. DiPietro has devoted his career to helping sexual abuse survivors achieve justice.

Contact us for more information and a confidential discussion of your legal options.

New York City Sexual Abuse Laws and Statute of Limitations

Sexual abuse is one of the most heinous crimes a person can be a victim of.

Sexual abuse has many definitions, but generally relates to the forcible touching of another individual in a non-consensual sexual manner or for sexual gratification.

In sexual abuse cases, victims do not consent to any sexual activity perpetrated by the abuser.

Sexual predators will often use their status and power to take advantage of victims and abuse them, forcing victims into a non-consensual sexual relationship where it is difficult to speak out.

Definition of Sexual Abuse and Consent

According to the NY Penal Law § 130.20, a person commits sexual misconduct if they engage in sexual contact without the consent of another person.

The NY Penal Law § 130.05 defines lack of consent as a situation in which an individual does not affirmatively agree to engage in sexual contact, when the other person is incapacitated or mentally disabled, or when the other person is less than the age of consent.

New York’s Adult Survivors Act

Formerly, felony sexual crimes had a statute of limitation of up to five years.

Rape was the only sexual crime that did not have a statute of limitations.

However, with pressure put on the legal system by sexual abuse survivors and advocates, and the Robert Hadden case, the state enacted a new law that waives the statute of limitations so that victims can file new claims.

New York Adult Survivors Act, Robert Hadden Lawsuit, Dr Hadden Lawsuit

New York’s Adult Survivors Act gives sexual abuse survivors one year to open an investigation, sue their offender, and seek compensation for any damages caused by what they’ve experienced.

Lawsuits can also be filed against the organizations and institutions that allowed the abuse to occur.

This means that if you experienced sexual abuse from a doctor, clergy member, teacher, coach, or other person employed by an organization that allowed the assault to occur, you may be eligible to file suit against that organization.

Hundreds of women have filed claims against Columbia University and its affiliates for allowing and enabling the former OBGYN Robert Hadden to sexually abuse patients.

A new round of lawsuits are being filed in accordance with the Adult Survivors Act.

Termination of Parental Rights

The Title IV of The Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act, more commonly known as The Rape Survivor Child Custody Act, allows child sexual abuse victims to terminate the parental rights of the perpetrator in cases where they are the biological parent.

This law also grants support and protection for rape victim mothers and their children.

Child Victims Act

Under the Child Victims Act, victims of child sex abuse are able to file criminal charges and civil lawsuits against the perpetrators of assault and organizations that enabled it under new statutes of limitations.

For criminal charges, victims are able to contact police or the District Attorney to file a criminal complaint before the age of 28.

When the child sex abuse victim is under 11, there is usually no time limit for criminal charges.

For civil claims, child sexual abuse victims can file against their abuser or a liable third party, like a church or school, until they are 55 years old.

A civil case can be started even if the abuse happened decades ago.

To file a civil claim, you must contact a sexual abuse lawyer to handle your case.

Sex Offender Registration Act

The state of New York has a Sex Offender Registration Act which requires anyone convicted of a felony sex crime or misdemeanor to register as a sex offender.

This legislation keeps a record of all people convicted or charged with sex crimes, allowing the public to access this information and be aware of potential threats in their community.

The Different Types of Sexual Abuse Cases

Sexual abuse can occur in a wide range of settings, such as hospitals, offices, universities, and within families.

If you have been sexually assaulted, don’t hesitate to reach out to our sexual abuse lawyers for a confidential and free consultation.

You’re not alone. We understand your situation and can help you receive the legal justice you deserve.

All sexual assault cases differ in their perpetrators and circumstances — and these matter when you file your sexual abuse claim.

Sexual abuse can occur in many ways.

Here are some of the most common sexual assault cases in New York:

Sexual Abuse in Hospitals and Medical Clinics

Sexual abuse can occur and has occurred in New York City hospitals and medical facilities.

Physicians are bound by a strict code of ethics and are entrusted by their patients and community to provide the care they are responsible for and to do so in a completely professional manner.

It has been discovered, however, that some doctors may use their authority to sexually abuse patients.

This was certainly the case for Robert Hadden, who used his position of power as an OBGYN to physically isolate patients and sexually abuse them under the guise of medical care.

Instead of providing medical care and fostering a safe environment of trust, Robert Hadden took advantage of his patients to sexually gratify himself.

Former patients of Robert Hadden have filed civil lawsuits against him and Columbia University, which enabled Hadden to abuse women and covered-up reports for decades.

Sexual Harassment

The Office of the New York State Attorney General defines sexual harassment as a sexual crime characterized by unwanted physical, visual, or verbal advances.

New York State Law categorizes sexual harassment as a gender-based crime.

The perpetrators of sexual harassment are often people in a position of power.

In workplaces, they can be members of management who coerce employees to perform sexual acts or physically harass them.

Sexual harassment can also take the form of offensive, sexually-charged statements.

Perpetrators of verbal sexual harassment create a hostile work environment that leaves employees with a sense of fear.

Any form of sexual harassment is completely unacceptable in any place, especially work and school environments.

Child Sexual Abuse

Child sexual abuse is a form of despicable sexual abuse perpetrated on individuals that are younger than 18.

Child sexual abuse victims are extremely vulnerable and the perpetrators of child sex abuse deserve the highest degree of punishment possible.

It is often hard for child sexual abuse victims to get the help they need.

Many victims are under the control of their abusers, and some child sex abuse victims may not understand what they are experiencing as abuse.

Child sexual abuse can also include the possession of child pornography.

Incest is also a form of child sexual abuse.

Two New York laws legitimize child sex abuse claims.

These laws include Article 130 of the Penal Code and the New York Child Victims Act.

Victims can file criminal charges and civil charges under these two laws.

Clergy Sexual Abuse

Clergy sexual abuse takes place when a clergy member engages in a sexual act with a layperson or another member of the clergy.

Clergy sexual abuse always involves a clergy member taking advantage of laypersons and other clergy members to force sexual contact.

Clergy sexual abuse is commonly committed against children.

Several churches, including the Southern Baptist Church and the Mormon Church, are being investigated for harboring abusers and covered-up their despicable behavior.

What Are the Effects of Sexual Abuse that Survivors Might Experience?

Sexual violence engenders painful lasting effects on victims.

Sexual abuse survivors we’ve represented disclose the following impact of sexual abuse.

Emotional Distress

Victims of sexual abuse experience various emotions ranging from shock and anger to guilt, even though sexual abuse is never the fault of the victim.

Other emotions include anger, denial, and dissociation.

The emotional distress that sexual assault survivors experience can last for years even with trauma therapy.

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Sexual abuse survivors may suffer from Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

A victim of sexual abuse may experience panic attacks and flashbacks that make it difficult to complete everyday tasks.

PTSD following sexual abuse can go on for years even with treatment.

For this reason, we at the DiPietro Law firm are adamant about holding a sexual abuser accountable for the lasting damage caused.

Who Are Sexual Abusers?

Different people or parties can be the perpetrators of sexual assault and abuse.

People in Positions of Power

The most common sexual abusers are individuals in positions of power or authority.

These perpetrators use their status to commit abuse.

Individuals in positions of power can be any of the following:

  • Government officials
  • Management
  • Doctors
  • Teachers
  • Bosses
  • Law enforcement

Family Members

Family members are often the abusers in cases of child sexual abuse.

Besides the immediate family, extended family members may also be perpetrators of abuse.

School Officials

School officials are among the most trusted individuals in a community.

However, this also means that they have social leverage to victimize other school officials, or worse, children.


Institutions have a role to play in ensuring that sexual assault doesn’t take place within its ranks.

Any abuse that occurs is an act of gross negligence on the part of the institution.

When institutions allow sex offenders to operate, they are complicit in any sexual crimes perpetrated.

One example of this is the case of former OBGYN Robert Hadden.

For over 20 years, Robert Hadden sexually assaulted numerous women and minors in his medical offices.

He was employed by Columbia University and worked at medical clinics around New York City.

The institutions that employed Hadden allowed him to sexually abuse patients and tried to cover-up his abuse in a number of ways.

Using this example, we see that sexual assault is hardly a crime perpetrated by one person, especially when done within a prestigious organization like Columbia University.

For this reason, our New York sexual abuse attorneys at The DiPietro Law Firm are aggressive in taking legal action against institutions that enable sexual predators to victimize people.

Anthony T. DiPietro: Your New York Sexual Abuse Lawyer

If you’re the victim of sexual abuse, you need a sexual abuse lawyer who will aggressively represent you and hold your abuser accountable.

Attorney Anthony T. DiPietro has handled various high-profile sexual abuse claims in New York City, leading the charge for the Robert Hadden Sexual Abuse Lawsuits for more than a decade.

Sexual Assault Attorneys NYC, NYC Sexual Abuse Lawyers

At The DiPietro Law Firm, our NYC sexual assault lawyers offer a free, no-obligation consultation to assess your case and determine the best route to take.

All inquiries submitted to our law firm a guaranteed 100% confidentiality.

We can help you find where to start and how to proceed.

Contact us for a free consultation.

For more support, contact our Sexual Assault Helpline at (800) 215-1003.

Resources for Sexual Exploitation & Abuse Survivors

We’re currently investigating this case and many other cases involving serial sexual predators.

As more information becomes available on our cases, we will share it on the The DiPietro Law Firm Twitter account (@atdipietro).

If you’re a survivor of sexual exploitation and abuse, please contact our Free Consultation Helpline for a 100% confidential and free consultation about your case at (212) 233-3600.

You’re not alone anymore.

Do You
Have A Case?

Here, at The DiPietro Law Firm, we’re committed to helping victims of sexual abuse and assault find the justice they deserve.

All information discussed during our consultations always remains completely 100% confidential.

Would you like our help?

About Anthony T. DiPietro

Founder Anthony T. DiPietro, Esq. is a compassionate and skilled trial attorney who has completely dedicated the past 23 years of his career to litigating medical malpractice and sexual abuse cases against major corporate institutions including hospitals, medical clinics, schools, and other wrongdoers.

Mr. DiPietro has also obtained some of New York State’s highest verdicts and settlements, and has been selected to New York State Super Lawyers® each year, for the past 10 years in a row.

In 2022, Mr. DiPietro was selected as one of America’s Top 100 High-Stakes Litigators for the landmark cases he’s won on behalf of survivors of sexual exploitation and abuse.

Verdicts & Settlements
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Do You
Have A Case?

Here, at The DiPietro Law Firm, we’re committed to helping victims of sexual abuse and assault find the justice they deserve.

All information discussed during our consultations always remains completely 100% confidential.

Would you like our help?

Your Attorneys

Erica Cohn
Admitted in CA, NY
Anthony T. DiPietro
Admitted in NY, PA, CA
(pro hac vice application to be filed), UT (pending)

Cases We're Currently Litigating

Years of Abuse:  1987 – 2016


Robert Hadden, a disgraced Obstetrician-Gynecologist (OB/GYN) who worked for Columbia University and NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, was criminally convicted in 2016 of sexually exploiting and abusing patients under the guise of medical care.

Hadden used his position of authority and trust to sexually exploit women and girls for nearly three decades as a Columbia University physician.

All the while, Columbia University and New York-Presbyterian Hospital administrators turned their backs and ignored reports of Hadden’s abuse, gaslighting patients and the public.

Read More:

Years of Abuse:  1979 – 2022


David H. Broadbent is a former OB/GYN under criminal investigation and facing civil lawsuits for sexual abuse of patients.

Broadent worked at multiple medical facilities in the Provo, Orem and Salt Lake City, UT areas.

These facilities included Intermountain Healthcare’s Utah Valley Hospital, MountainStar Healthcare’s Timpanogos Hospital, other Utah health care providers, and he also had adverse action taken against his medical license back in 1990.

Read More:

Years of Abuse:  1961 – 1996


22 predator teachers and administrators, over the course of 35 years.

Free Consultation Helpline

If you have any questions about whether or not you have a case, or just want to obtain more information about what you’ve experienced – feel free to contact us through our secure website chat.

You can also contact us by calling us at (212) 233-3600 or toll free at (800) 215-1003.

All of our consultations are free and 100% confidential. Thank you.