Where Can Dr. Robert Hadden's Victims Go for Help?

Contact The DiPietro Law Firm for More Information

Sexual abuse victims are often traumatized and have difficulty processing the abuse they experienced.

Some might visit healthcare providers for an FRE (forensic rape exam).

Others may stay silent in hopes that the trauma will subside.

If you experienced sexual abuse in an appointment with Dr. Robert Hadden, know that remaining silent about your sexual abuse is not your only option.

In New York, you can speak with a sexual assault attorney and file a lawsuit against the now-convicted Dr. Robert Hadden, along with his employers: Columbia University and NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital.

Robert Hadden Sexual Abuse Lawsuit

By filing a lawsuit with an experienced sexual assault attorney, you’ll maximize your chances of an adequate settlement.

Most importantly, you’ll be holding the institutions complicit to Hadden’s sexual crimes accountable for what they allowed to happen.

Reach out now if you’ve experienced sexual abuse, sexual assault, or any form of sexual misconduct during an appointment with Dr. Robert Hadden.

Contact the DiPietro Law Firm for a free 100% confidential and no-obligation consultation.

Table of Contents

How To Select the Right Attorney To File Your Sexual Abuse Claim Against Dr. Robert Hadden

Selecting the right lawyer to represent you is key to a successful sexual abuse claim. While many attorneys offer legal representation and counsel for sexual assault cases, not all will be the perfect fit for you.

To find the right lawyer to represent you, look for the following qualities.

Experience Representing Sexual Abuse Victims in High-profile Cases

One of the first qualities to look for in a sexual abuse lawyer is experience. In particular, your lawyer must have extensive experience representing sexual abuse victims in their cases.

Experience is critical to the success of any sexual assault claim because each case is different. Inexperienced attorneys may treat the cases of two people the same way, reducing the effectiveness of their representation. Also, less-seasoned attorneys may not be the best litigators in high-profile cases like the infamous Dr. Robert Hadden Case.

Places Your Privacy First

Sexual abuse is a traumatizing experience for any victim. Worse yet, the trauma doesn’t end with the actual abuse. Sexual assault survivors often live with the shame and social stigma brought by the abuse. This is certainly the case after Hadden’s patients endured abuse, and it’s also why many sexual abuse survivors do not come forward.

Your attorney must display an understanding of the trauma you’ve gone through and your desire to protect your identity. With this in mind, choose an attorney who will not just represent you but also will do so while protecting your identity.

One of the signs that your attorney places a high value on your privacy is the willingness to provide confidential consultations. If you find an attorney who’s more than willing to offer a 100% free and confidential consultation, there’s a chance you’re speaking with the right lawyer.

Knowledge Specific to the Dr. Robert Hadden Case

The Dr. Robert Hadden case isn’t a simple sexual assault case. It’s a case fraught with timelines and details that will be pivotal to succeeding claims. With this in mind, you need an attorney with in-depth knowledge of the Dr. Hadden case.

Your attorney must know everything surrounding the case, from Hadden’s former patients to complicit institutions like the Columbia University Irving Medical Center. Your attorney must also be knowledgeable on the crimes Hadden pleaded guilty to.

Isn’t Afraid to Hold Institutions Accountable

Your lawyer shouldn’t only be adept at representing clients against sexual predators like Robert Hadden. Your attorney should also have no qualms about holding institutions accountable. Here’s why.

Robert Hadden’s sexual abuse case proves that sexual assault isn’t just a crime perpetrated by one individual. It’s a crime that involves institutions, especially if institutions like Columbia University allowed female patients to suffer abuse.

For more than three decades, Columbia University and its affiliated hospitals allowed a predator in a white coat to sexually abuse patients including multiple minors. Instead of addressing the problem by turning Hadden in and removing him from their hospitals, these institutions enabled Hadden. They enabled Hadden’s sexual misconduct by concealing his crime.

Columbia University and the hospitals affiliated with it created an environment conducive to Hadden’s sexual abuse. The New York Presbyterian Hospital and the Columbia University Irving Medical Center became places where Hadden molested patients without facing repercussions.

The enabling of Hadden’s treatment of vulnerable patients makes these institutions complicit to Hadden’s crimes. For this reason, you need an attorney who can help you hold institutions liable for sexual abuse.

Why Choose the DiPietro Law Firm

The DiPietro Law Firm is here for you if you need a firm that has everything you need in your lawsuit against Robert Hadden. Our firm has taken the lead in many high-profile sexual assault cases.

Choose our firm, and you’ll maximize your chances of a positive outcome. Here are several reasons for you to call the DiPietro Law Firm today for a free 100% confidential consultation.

They Have Been Leading the Charge in the Dr. Robert Hadden Case

For more than a decade, Attorney Anthony DiPietro has been the leading attorney for the Dr. Hadden Case, representing hundreds of Hadden’s victims. Anthony T. DiPietro has secured more than $230 million in settlements from Columbia University and the prestigious Manhattan hospitals affiliated with it.

With Attorney DiPietro representing you, get more than a sexual abuse lawyer. You get one who knows the ins and outs of the Hadden Case. He is the attorney that will represent you as assertively as he did his past clients.

Respects and Protects Your Privacy

Many of Hadden’s former patients haven’t come forward in fear that their identities will be made public. For this reason, we at the DiPietro Law Firm ensure your privacy and anonymity throughout the legal proceedings.

Our protection of your privacy begins with our 100% free and confidential consultation. When you reach out, you don’t have to disclose personal information. We’ll answer every query in our non-obligatory and confidential consultation call.

Once you choose our firm, we are able to protect your identity by filing your lawsuit anonymously.

As a result, your case moves along while your identity remains concealed.

Assertive Legal Representation Against Abusers and Enabling Institutions

As of January 24, 2023, Hadden has been found guilty on several counts of sexually abusing patients. Guilty of six counts of abuse, Hadden now faces prison time lasting several decades.

The predator will be behind bars for victimizing patients who sought professional medical care. Nevertheless, the fight isn’t over. Our firm continues to represent Hadden’s victims and hold powerful institutions responsible.

We’ve discovered numerous pieces of evidence pointing to an internal cover-up. Our findings showed that while Columbia University was aware of Hadden sexually abusing patients, the university did little to remove the former Columbia university gynecologist. Instead, the university — along with the Columbia University Irving Medical Center and New York Presbyterian Hospital — covered up Hadden’s sexual misconduct.

Their concealment of the crime makes them complicit in it. For this reason, we’ve represented clients before these institutions and recovered settlements amounting to millions of dollars.

We’re not afraid to hold institutions responsible — and neither should you. Help us bring these institutions to justice by contacting us today.

"My Abuse Happened More Than a Decade Ago. Can I Still Go to an Attorney For Help?"

The answer to this question is a resounding yes.

Hadden sexually assaulted numerous female patients including multiple minors for more than three decades. While several of these patients have come forward, many have not. As a result, many of these victims feel that they’re no longer eligible to file their lawsuits against the now-defamed Robert Hadden.

Indeed, New York had a two-year statute of limitations for sexual abuse cases. This meant that victims had two years from the date of the abuse to file their lawsuits against their abusers. Under this statute, victims who were abused by Hadden more than two years ago would be intelligible to file their claims.

However, as of November 24, 2022, the New York state legislature passed the New York Adult Survivors Act. The Adult Survivors Act gives all victims of sexual abuse a one-year look-back period. The look-back period allows victims to file their lawsuits against their sexual abusers no matter when the abuse took place.

If your abuse took place more than a decade ago, you can now still file your lawsuit against Robert Hadden.

You're Not Alone Anymore: Contact the DiPietro Law Firm for a Free 100% Confidential Consultation

If you experienced sexual abuse, sexual assault, or any form of sexual misconduct during an appointment with Dr. Robert Hadden, you are eligible to file a lawsuit.

Contact the DiPietro Law Firm for a free and confidential consultation.

We have been involved in this litigation since the beginning and have helped hundreds of women secure the compensation they deserve.

Contact us for more information and find out how we can help you.

Resources for Sexual Exploitation & Abuse Survivors

We’re currently investigating this case and many other cases involving serial sexual predators.

As more information becomes available on our cases, we will share it on the The DiPietro Law Firm Twitter account (@atdipietro).

If you’re a survivor of sexual exploitation and abuse, please contact our Free Consultation Helpline for a 100% confidential and free consultation about your case at (212) 233-3600.

You’re not alone anymore.

Somebody who sexually assaults patients under the guise of medical care DOES NOT deserve salutations.

Robert Hadden is not a doctor. Robert Hadden is a convicted sexual felon and is facing life in prison for the crimes he committed.

The only reason the DiPietro Law Firm uses “Dr. Robert Hadden” in some of our content is so that victims are able to find us when searching for help.

Do You
Have A Case?

Here, at The DiPietro Law Firm, we’re committed to helping victims of sexual abuse and assault find the justice they deserve.

All information discussed during our consultations always remains completely 100% confidential.

Would you like our help?

About Anthony T. DiPietro

Founder Anthony T. DiPietro, Esq. is a compassionate and skilled trial attorney who has completely dedicated the past 23 years of his career to litigating medical malpractice and sexual abuse cases against major corporate institutions including hospitals, medical clinics, schools, and other wrongdoers.

Mr. DiPietro has also obtained some of New York State’s highest verdicts and settlements, and has been selected to New York State Super Lawyers® each year, for the past 10 years in a row.

In 2022, Mr. DiPietro was selected as one of America’s Top 100 High-Stakes Litigators for the landmark cases he’s won on behalf of survivors of sexual exploitation and abuse.

Verdicts & Settlements
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Do You
Have A Case?

Here, at The DiPietro Law Firm, we’re committed to helping victims of sexual abuse and assault find the justice they deserve.

All information discussed during our consultations always remains completely 100% confidential.

Would you like our help?

Your Attorneys

Erica Cohn
Admitted in CA, NY
Anthony T. DiPietro
Admitted in NY, PA, CA
(pro hac vice application to be filed), UT (pending)

Cases We're Currently Litigating

Years of Abuse:  1987 – 2016


Robert Hadden, a disgraced Obstetrician-Gynecologist (OB/GYN) who worked for Columbia University and NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, was criminally convicted in 2016 of sexually exploiting and abusing patients under the guise of medical care.

Hadden used his position of authority and trust to sexually exploit women and girls for nearly three decades as a Columbia University physician.

All the while, Columbia University and New York-Presbyterian Hospital administrators turned their backs and ignored reports of Hadden’s abuse, gaslighting patients and the public.

Read More:

Years of Abuse:  1979 – 2022


David H. Broadbent is a former OB/GYN under criminal investigation and facing civil lawsuits for sexual abuse of patients.

Broadent worked at multiple medical facilities in the Provo, Orem and Salt Lake City, UT areas.

These facilities included Intermountain Healthcare’s Utah Valley Hospital, MountainStar Healthcare’s Timpanogos Hospital, other Utah health care providers, and he also had adverse action taken against his medical license back in 1990.

Read More:

Years of Abuse:  1961 – 1996


22 predator teachers and administrators, over the course of 35 years.

Free Consultation Helpline

If you have any questions about whether or not you have a case, or just want to obtain more information about what you’ve experienced – feel free to contact us through our secure website chat.

You can also contact us by calling us at (212) 233-3600 or toll free at (800) 215-1003.

All of our consultations are free and 100% confidential. Thank you.